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Candle Care

Candle Care Guide

Candles are a wonderful addition to any space, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. To ensure you get the most out of your candles while staying safe, follow these simple candle care tips:

1. Trim the Wick: Before each use, trim the wick to approximately 1/4 inch (0.6 cm). This helps prevent excessive smoke, soot, and ensures a clean, even burn.

2. Keep the Wax Pool Even: On the first burn, allow the candle to burn until the entire surface becomes a liquid wax pool, typically one to two hours. This prevents tunneling, where the wax burns down the center, and maximizes the candle’s lifespan.

3. Avoid Drafts: Keep candles away from drafts and air vents. Drafts can cause uneven burning and excessive smoking. To maintain an even burn, consider using a candle snuffer.

4. Burn Responsibly: Never leave a burning candle unattended. Keep candles out of the reach of children and pets. Place them on a stable, heat-resistant surface.

5. Use Candle Accessories: Candle accessories like jar holders, shades, or trays can enhance safety and protect surfaces from heat and wax.

6. Protect the Surface: Always place candles on a heat-resistant surface, away from flammable materials. This protects your furniture and home from potential damage.

7. Extinguish Safely: Use a snuffer or gently blow out the candle to extinguish it. Avoid using the lid or any other object to smother the flame, as it can cause hot wax to splatter.

8. Store Candles Properly: When not in use, store candles in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, which can cause discoloration.

9. Be Mindful of Fragrances: Some scented candles can be overpowering if left burning for extended periods. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for safe use.

10. Dispose of Candles Safely: When a candle has burned to within half an inch of the bottom, it’s time to safely discard it. Let it cool, and then use a butter knife to remove the remaining wax. Dispose of the wax properly and recycle the container if possible.

By following these candle care tips, you can enjoy the ambiance and fragrance of your candles while ensuring their safety and longevity. Remember, a well-cared-for candle burns brighter and longer.